



Jeff Blaser
Superintendent, Cascade School District (2018-2021)

It was only four years ago that our community experienced the effects of the historic COVID-19 pandemic. As superintendent of the Cascade School District in 2020, charged with keeping our children’s instructional growth and achievement moving forward and on mission, it could not have been done without a team of extremely gifted staff. Reflecting on that historic event, I believe without reservation, our success came from providence working through a team of amazing staff members.

Josh Hurley was one of those hard working, faithful team members. Josh showed up every day, always asking how he could help. He was committed to help the class of 2020 complete their requirements for graduation, teaching American Government and helping them through the on-line learning process. He used his knowledge and expertise of internet technology to help deliver professional development to the entire staff as we had to implement a student learning system in order to deliver consistent instruction while students were quarantined at home.

Anyone spending time with Josh Hurley will recognize he is a person who values integrity, who deeply cares for his family and community. Four years ago Josh Hurley responded to help our community by giving of his time and talents to the school district. When tremendously difficult times hit, our school was fortunate enough to have him as part of the team. I have no reservation with Josh Hurley sitting as a Valley County Commissioner. I know he will take his experience and training, coupled with integrity and care to the office of county commissioner and serve us well.


Kevin St. John
Superintendent, Cascade School District (2021-2022)

I am writing this testimonial in support of Josh Hurley and his campaign to serve as a Valley County Commissioner.  

A few years ago I was given the privilege to be the interim Superintendent of Cascade Public Schools.  With my position I was fortunate to work with Josh.  

The person I got to know is one of integrity, enthusiasm, knowledge, and excellent judgement or what I like to call “common sense.”  He has my full endorsement in his effort  to be a thoughtful, positive Commissioner for Valley County.


Keith Waggoner
Nampa Grace Bible Church - Lead Pastor

It is an honor to recommend Josh Hurley for Valley County District 1 Commissioner. I have had the opportunity to work closely with Josh across the years and observe firsthand the qualities that make him a tremendous leader.

Josh has the ability to quickly process information and use the relevant data to make sound decisions. He not only can visualize and articulate a long-range vision but also knows how to identify and implement strategic steps towards that vision. He will not settle for the status quo or be swayed by political pressure. Impartiality is the fruit of his integrity.

I know of no one more passionately committed to the good of the families and future of Valley County. He has my full support.


Lance Heindel
Clear Creek Station - Owner

Back before Josh ever was running for office and not long after we purchased Clear Creek Station, I met him when I was battling with the County over an administrative ruling that said I could no longer keep the same iconic flags that had been at Clear Creek for over a decade. Josh had seen my arguments before the Commissioners, dropped by, introduced himself and began brainstorming with me in ways to overcome this seemingly overreaching and inconsistent government regulation.

I’ve seen Josh working at the school, forming the teen center, and pouring his heart into our community and it is apparent that he has a heart to serve and make Valley County a better place to live and raise families. Josh is not on the sidelines. He is bold in pursuing truth, following the law, and doing what is right. When looking through the pool of candidates, I definitely believe Josh Hurley is the next right Commissioner for District 1.


Heather Johnson

I would say that one of the worst things that could happen to a relationship, in which one of the members decides to run for something political, is that you would start to see two sides of that person. That you would find yourself in situations where you’re unsure of the person you thought you knew, because they are acting and saying things that stand in contrast to who you know them to be. Moments where you question their integrity, because their beliefs, passions, and thoughts fluctuate as much as their audience does.

On the other hand, I would say that one of the best things that can happen to a relationship in which one person involved decides to enter the world of politics, is getting to see that they are exactly who they say they are. That their love for their county is exemplified in what they say, and how they live. Whether they’re in front of a large audience or sitting around the dinner table with their closest friends, their proposed plans, deepest desires, and heartfelt hopes for their town remain the same. And this is what I have found in the friend, and soon to be commissioner for district 1, Josh Hurley. What you see is what you get.

My husband and I met Josh and his wife almost four years ago, and our families have been inseparable ever since. Together, we have been doing home church on an almost daily basis for over two years. We truly live life together, with all of its ups and downs, by sharing a meal, prayer, and a Bible reading, every single evening. In addition to that, we can be found enjoying the recreations of beautiful Valley County together, sledding in the winter and boating in the summer. In October of 2022, my husband and I had the privilege of coming alongside Josh and his wife, to open our local teen center- The Cascade Game Changer. This was a years-long dream in the making for Josh and his wife, and it was finally unfolding. Josh’s heart for our local teens and their families became more evident, as he spent long hours planning and facilitating all of the details that would go into getting the doors to this safe place open as soon as possible. Since then, he has organized fundraisers, developed an app for our mentoring program, created and lead special events for our teens, spoken with local businesses about his idea for a jobs mentoring program that’s about to be launched, and grown in relationship with several teens in a way that he wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.

Whether looking at his resume in the workplace, the community, or his personal life- serving the families of the school as the dean of students, opening and running The Game Changer, being a great husband, a dedicated father, and a faithful and trusted friend- there isn’t an area of Josh Hurley’s life that doesn’t make him the most qualified and best choice for the District 1 County Commissioner.


Jonny Villanueva

For context, I have observed Josh in a wide variety of settings. Leading and starting the Game Changer teen center, classroom teaching, pastoral leadership, hosting community events, snowmobile recovery excursions, leading discussions around a campfire, etc. I have only ever seen Josh lead well and influence the people around him in a positive way.

Humble and Bold - My observation is that Josh Hurley has a deep grasp on what it means to lead from a place of humility. He honors the people around him and places the needs of others above his own. At the same time, he is completely confident and bold in who he is, and he knows his strengths and what he is good at and uses those strengths for the benefit of others. He is able to remain humble while also being bold and very strong.

Not greedy - If one thing is for sure, Josh is not greedy for money or power. The man could easily be massively rich developing and selling software he has created. He has had large entities seek him out and offer him large business deals, but he has not pursued those because it would detract from his time and ability to serve the teens and people of Valley County. I watched him resign from a salaried pastoral position, while continuing to fulfill the duties of that position, so that the money could be used to serve people in need in this community. And while he does not seek out money for himself, he does have experience and skill in managing budgets for organizations.

Freedom, the Constitution, and Solving Problems - If you are wondering which candidate cares about helping you keep constitutional freedoms, you will be hard pressed to find someone more passionate, and action oriented about it than Josh. If you think we need someone who can think critically and think outside the box to find solutions to the county’s challenges, all while looking out for the best interest of the residents, Josh Hurley is your guy. My observation is that Josh is great at seeking out and thoroughly hearing opposing view points to make sure he can arrive at a best solution, not just prop up what he wants to believe already. He knows how to both engage in and lead civil dialogue with grace and calm. He is skilled at conflict resolution and doesn’t let drama breed or grow.

Small government - From what I can tell and have observed, it appears that Josh believes that government should be kept as small as possible while still being able to serve the people effectively and carry out necessary functions efficiently. It seems that he is very much against governments getting bigger and bigger and exercising more and more control, and he has effectively fought against government overreach in the past.

I could list more positive character qualities, but this is now very long, and those above are some I feel are pertinent to the position he is running for.